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6 ways to attract your customers

What is the hardest thing about starting and growing a business? For many businesses, the answer is finding client/customers. Customer acquisition is particularly difficult if your marketing budget is limited. here I have tested strategies to help build your customer base.      1. Having great product/services: Having great product are sure that many people will need isn't good enough, customer won't find you, your store, your website, but you have to go out and find potential customers and clients.      2. Develop a plan for for customer acquisition:  The secret to create a successful acquisition plan is to know who would make the ideal customer.      3. Use special offer to attract customers: Everybody loves a bargain. Offer a discount to new customers on their first purchase.       4. Give a little to get alot:  To acquire new customers you need to build trust. And one of the best ways to do that is to give away free sample of your product and ask the recipient to te
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3 strategies to help grow your business

M any nigerians fear to start up a business because of low capital, you shouldn't be, your small business can amount to a tremendous business growth. Its also depends on your skills to recognize the following: 1. YOUR MARKET STRATEGIES: you have to get different ideas and tactics on how to gain the attention of your final user/customers. 2. TARGET AUDIENCE: you need to understand those you want, to patronize your business that is those who you know they are capable in needing your services. 3. SELLING POINT: This is your market break through, this can be in form of something you know your competitors don't have or do. Its can be a special way of treating and associating with your customers/client. Professional relationships matters alot in maintaining a healthy business. 4. LOCATION: Ensure that your business is closer to your target audience.      When all this obligations are met,then you can be sure there will be a healthy growth in your business

8 steps for Start-up Business

Starting a business is the beginning of an exciting – and sometimes challenging period in your life. Suddenly you find yourself immersed in a whole new world of licensing, insurance, marketing and leasing – it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. I have created a checklist to help guide you through the early stages of establishing your business. Follow the steps below to help you decide if you are ready to go into business, how to get started and where to seek help along the way. Steps to start your business Determine if you are ready  Going into business for yourself for the first time will change your lifestyle, professionally and personally, and can involve a significant financial commitment. Whether your business succeeds or fails depends on many things including your abilities, initiative and capacity to work, as well as the economic and business environment. Assess whether you are ready and your business skills. Assess your business idea  The only way you can know if you

8 ways to grow your business

Generating new business by growing your customer base is important to your business success. However, it can sometimes be very challenging. Here are some practical tips to help you grow your customer base. Get to know your customers Understand your customer's needs and develop products and services that meet those needs. You can gain insight into your customers by personalising your services and encouraging them to provide you with feedback. Offer great customer service Ensure your customer service is exceptional and go the extra mile when you can. Your customers will not only remember great service they will also be more likely to refer other people to you. Nurture existing customers and look for new opportunities Have strategies in place to nurture existing customers, such as staying in contact with them via an e-newsletter or letting them know about promotional events ahead of time.  At the same time, look for opportunities to get more work and build y